July may be the middle of summer, but it’s just the beginning of hurricane season. Natural disasters are inevitable, but you can be prepared for the worse with the right materials. RiteChoice Ducting can help you be ready for anything this summer.

Flexible ducting is an integral part of aiding emergency disaster relief. Adequate air distribution and climate control are essential in housing, cooling centers, field hospitals and emergency provisional shelters. These are all necessary to offer proper shelter, safety and most importantly, save lives.

RiteChoice Ducting has various applications during natural disasters or emergency situations. Our flexible ducting is capable of rapid deployment because of its portability. Once in use, the ducts can maximize airflow for safe ventilation, provide efficient climate control for large areas and groups of people and be a source of atmosphere control or air decontamination.

Though all of our ducting is professionally designed with the highest quality and durability, we understand that every situation is different – especially when it comes to emergency response. If you need a specific application or detail in your duct, we can make customizations happen. Reach out today to find out how we can help make the exact ducting for your application.